Sunday, September 2, 2007


I reproduce below the 'comment' made byRamakrishnan on the subject of racism. As comments tend to get ignored and are not displayed unless clicked on, the better thing would be to make new posts.


I do not think Gayathri's urge to speak to the Hollanders and satisfy their curiosity has a racist undercurrent or was born due to treating the white man as superior. Just that a few strangers seemed interested and they were not local folk would have made her want to satisfy their curiosity, if they appeared friendly. I imagine a few boys from say China looking on, she would have had the same urge.

I do not however deny that the tendency to treat the white man as superior which has been ingrained in Indians for centuries is still very much there.

Also, why are we happy if a newborn child is 'fair'; the first question is whether the child is fair. Why ?


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