Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ON MY 60TH BIRTHDAY Sep.18, 2007.........

Thankyou Jayaramanna, for the blessings and the nice pictures.
And , thank you Jayashankar, Priya, Prasanth and Shruti, for your good wishes.

1. Pranams to Kunjappa and Janga manni for my today`s position. Sincere thanks to God for having created me as one of their children, in the midst of excellent brothers - sisters in law and sisters - brothers in law.

2. How can I forget my excellent younger days, in K.Nagar, which none of the later generatios would have enjoyed! And, it will be only a dream for the present day kids!

3. All important activities in my life went off reasonably well till now, in spite of my
in-efficiencies and I attribute that to the blessings of Appa, Amma, and each & everyone in PSC family.

4. Sarada used to remember Appa and Amma right from a daily routine, to a major family occasion and used to express her thanks to them for their blessings.

SO, our namaskarams to Appa, Amma and all elders in the family, on this occasion. We continue to seek all your blessings and good wishes of all youngsters.


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