Monday, May 31, 2010

Wishes and more

A very happy birthday to Sundar anna and Aishwarya.

After reading sooo much about Vanaprastham, sannyaasam etc, I just can't keep quiet any more. Simplest way, just do what is expected and do not expect anything at all in return. Just try this for one very simple thing. The effect (to the do-er) is amazing. According to me, nothing can give more happiness if we just do and don't expect. Expectations only lead to disappointments. I might sound like a paatti, but this really works. Am not saying I do not expect, I do. But later if I am disappointed, I tell myself "Well, the fault was yours. Why did you expect?"

I look at Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi) and am amazed each time. She handles so many things with utmost detachment. Even yesterday Her talk in Amrita TV was to be detached but just do. Things cause us pain only when we are overly attached. Well, there's no age to start practicing being detached. Younger the easier.

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