Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Blog Should Continue

Referring to Jayaram's posting, I will be very sad if this blog is closed or allowed to suffer a slow death. We must each of us try to make it more interesting and participative. As a first step, those of us (we are too few) who have been participating should think of new ways of making it interesting. I want to know how to post a picture in the blog (Jayaram to note).

Secondly, a mojority of the PSC family are not seen or heard from. Whether they are even seeing the blog silently is doubtful and we keep wishing them happy birthday etc. How can we persuade them to come in ? Should Jayaram, as the coordinator, send individual mails to their email addresses ?

I spoke to Venkittu on Kappu's date of birth and learnt that his son Harish is now studying Law and Ram is working in Germany. If Venkittu had been active in the blog we all would have known it much earlier. Otherwise we do not know what our next-generation relatives are doing etc. I think one problem is that we are rather shy people and do not like to beat our own drums. We should shed this feeling and write about the happenings more for the sake of a feeling of belonging and togetherness. I am reminded of Appa's saying "if we do not beat out own drums, who will ? ", though he did not himself follow this dictum.


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