Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Been some time
I have been quiet for a while now. I normally check the blog from office (luckily that is still not blocked from the satyam network). Every time, I check in a rush with the intention of posting my replies/wishes later. Sometimes, the number of people I am supposed to wish just piles up and I end up missing wishing them at all. So, please excuse me if I have missed anybody's birthdays/anniversaries.
We have just a day more left of the year 2008. So, wishing everybody a very very happy and prosperous New Year.
Ramu Sarada
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
In this also, south is completely ignored like the cricket team! So a reshuffle will come soon after election.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Suggestions for Cabinet formation
A 'Punny' Suggestion
Labels: Humour
I am not able to express anything more eventhough so many points are there in my mind, mainly because I find it difficult to express in words!!
2. Welcome Aishwarya to the blog.
3. PCRKs will be Chennai from tomorrow for a month and I hope we make a couple of visits to Adyar.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Birth and rebirth
Maiden post
Namaskarams. Thanks for such warm way of welcoming me into the blog. I hope to do my bit of contribution to this well-maintained blog gradually. As of now, I’m in the process of associating names with faces :) I know it’d take a good deal time but just hope to be a fast learner. Akila has promised to help me with that. Following the posts in here regularly will, perhaps, help me a bit more.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Next Birth
You are assuming that in the next birth, you will be born a man or woman. This subject is fascinating and I have got a lot of doubts. Actually, only man is capable of sinning or earning punyam. But they say that the actions of previous seven births will influence your next birth. So, how does one work for redemption. Most of the Mahaans and sages were destined even at birth to become such mahaans, how ? Many of them led unworthy lives early and suddenly God made them great sages. How to explain these things ?
For long, I have felt that what we may be taking with us to the next birth is a part of our knowledge, wisdom, feelings (vasanaas ) and I have thus tried to gain knowledge (which I would like to carry forward) and tried to have good positive thoughts always. I have not gained any knowledge worth mentioning but I have been able to generally have good thoughts and whenever the bad thoughts/emotions surfaced I have consciously tried to overcome them.
One more thing. It seems when a person dies, he is not born immediately. Several years may be spent as Pithrus or something, depending on your earlier Karma.
So, as I said, I have more questions in my mind but we have not reached the level where we can expect to get the answers. Be good and have faith. That is all we can do.
Even when Koushik had to be brought from Hyderabad, for class 11 admission, I approached the Head Master of DAV School, Mogappair only once. After seeing Koushik`s marks he was given a seat.
As usual, this year also I saw a long long que in PSBB,K.K.Nagar, at 05.30 AM , for getting Application for LKG. Our neighbour was mentioning that if a parent is in Hindu, it is easy to get a seat in PSBB .
When I consider myself lucky, the thought that how I am going to face these things in my next birth, really scares me! Sometimes I even feel that it might be better to be a bird!!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Welcome Aishwarya!
2. Sumanth wrote an entrance test in PSBB, TNagar on 20th for which Vidya had come. I think she has left this morning. The resuls will be announced on 07th Jan. Vidya will come with Sumanth by end Jan so that Sumanth can attend school till annual exams. Then she will go back and return when the school opens after vacation. Vidya was saying that it is 18 years since she left India! How daysfly!.
A new follower
We now have a new follower to our blog in Aishwarya. I introduced her to our blog a few days back, before she left for Trichy to get back to work. She has been religiously reading all our posts from yesterday during her free time. She can now recognize some of our family members (of course, only by name) :)
Mohan has now moved into an apartment with one of his colleagues. Commute is still a problem though, as he has to take 2 buses to reach office. One of the main disadvantages of going to the US!! That's the update from my end for the day.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
But I have never, never felt that a mother was missing, because Saradamma has been just that & more - at every stage in my life.
Usha Manni
2. Jayaramanna, Bhairavi was good hearing.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Ustad Barkat Ali Khan, Bhairavi, Rasake bhare tore naine
Barkat Ali was Bade Gulam Ali's brother and a singer of great merit. Here is a sample.
2. Appu anna`s daughter Chithra and her husband Sriram called on us a week before marriage with a small gift.
3. There was a nice letter from Taappu anna.
4. Gopu ( Ramurthy mama`s son) sent a cheque for Rs.501/- with a nice letter.
5. Fortunately there are a very few gifts, probably because the marriage was in Trichy.One interesting gift is a cordless iron.
Aishwarya reported for duty in Trichy yesterday. She will come to Chennai by 28th to join here from 1st Jan.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wish for speedy recovery to Raghupathy
Mythili and Chandru
2. Sarada and I also join in the prayers for the speedy recovery of Raghupathy.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Rajiv's engagement, wedding
When Nameeta's grandfather broached the subject of an early wedding, we had the biggest of surprises when the two readily agreed!!! Again it was a difficult decision as Anuj is leaving for the US on Jan 6, & will not be there for the wedding. Ramya has postponed her departure by a few days.
So the wedding is to be on Jan 31, 2009, at Pune. We are planning to have a reception at Madras on Feb 4. I do hope that all our family members will be there in strength to bless the couple (& us).
We enjoyed looking at the photos of Aishwarya-Koushik wedding
A correction - Rajiv's b'day is MARCH 8, not Dec. And it is THREE years since Ramya got married, not two!!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Kaushik Aishwarya Wedding
Monday, December 15, 2008
Ramu Sarada
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Akila, Mohan, Vaishnavi
Friday, December 12, 2008
Great Pics
The photos were all great. I sent these to Mohan, as this was the first set of photos that we got. Thanks a lot :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Picasa Web Albums - revati - Koushik's wedding
Happy birthday!
Wishing him good health and happiness in the days to come
Ramu Sarada
Thank you very much. Regards.
Ramu Sarada
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Best Wishes Rajiv
Monday, December 8, 2008
Ramu Sarada
Happy birthdy, Rajiv!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy birthday
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Best wishes to Vimala manni on her birthday (on 28th). Wishing her good health and happiness always. Many happy returns , Manni.
Ramu Sarada
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Ramakrishnan has correctly expressed the views about the progress of this blog and I have nothing to add. And Jayaramanna`s reply also is correct. I was also wondering but guessed why November dates were not posted. It will be really nice if the participation is good from all family members. From my side also, I am not able to see mails daily as Koushik is busy most of the time with the computer . But I will definitely try to participate in a regular basis.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Happy Birthdays!
I am leaving for Bombay on 25th morning, so let me wish Bhuvana and Vimala chittis, Pavitra and Vichu a Happy Birthday - in advance.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The blog
The anatomy of a "Cool Dude"
This is simply hilarious
Cool Dude - The most used word in a day.One who can do things which we cannot do - is termed a "cool dude". Be it growing hair, or not growing hair, tattooing, speaking four letter words, smoking ultra milds or menthol, going all the way to Bangalore for a rock band maiden concert, or laughing amidst a group of dozen girls. The word has become the most used word in the group of people (folks - to sound cool) I move with, to such an extent that every other conversation ultimately comes to the same thing "Dude, you are becoming cool". Be it when my office moved to a cool, vibrant IT park (And I became a Parkite), when I applied a temporary tattoo on my forearms, when I got a wireless internet connection, when I browse internet on my mobile, when I insist on wearing socks before putting on the Sandals - All I could hear is "Dude, you are becoming cool!" So I assume, by now the reader has got an idea of what a Cool Dude is, rather what an Item he is!Some random notes:Q. What do Dudes do in Office?A: The do stuff. Not work. Remember "I need to get this stuff done" ?Q: What do dudes have for lunch? A: They grab a Sub. And remember A dude would always "customize his sub". The sub topic reminds me of a very crude (the most closest antonym of cool) incident at the Sub. During one of those initial visits to Sub, I had taken a friend along with me, thinking he would be a moral support to me at the cool shop (cool joint to sound cool). The friend whom I had taken along, had once tasted garlic bread that someone in office had ordered from Pizza Hut. After finishing the bread, seeing the label Pizza Hut written on the sauce packets, he commented - "The Pizza was good". This after being in the IT industry for 7 years! So it was just uncool of me to take him with me for moral support. Since we were two, we had the courage to face the questions shot at us. Yes, too many questions for having a sandwich. Oh not sandwich - It's a Sub. With great difficulty, we were able to get something made though we still do not know what we had answered for questions like 6 inch or foot long? , Type of bread, should i toast it?, with cheese /without cheese? , All vegetables? etc. All we could see is something had been made for both of us. And soon we are going to eat the cool sub. And then a question. "Do you want to make it a meal?" I asked my friend "Acha yahan meals bhi milta hai kya"? I did not see the "Meals Ready" board outside. All eyes on me. My friend did not have an answer.Then came the final question. With the gesture and tone, we could make out that this is the final question and soon we can start eating. But what he asked was too fast and unheard of. He repeated it. Still no change in his reaction. Again the question with a demeaning look at us. Finally we answer - "Yes". And he gives a much demeaning look, in fact something like - These people can never grow up. Then he gave us the bill and the Sub - both the subs in the same plate (Tray to be cool).And then My friend says aloud "Donon sandwich parcel kar do yaar". All faces in the restaurants were on us. All the Sub makers at the counter saw him. My friend was stunned. He was trying to think what he spoke. He was saying to himself "Did I use any abusive language?". Soon the person on the other side of the counter, said in a slightly louder tone, "That's what i asked you. You could have said you wanted Take-Away". So that is what he was asking towards the end of the Sub making process. All this when the person who made the sub also knows the local language or atleast common english - The kind of English that we have been listening to, since our childhood. But if he does that then whats cool about Sub? Or rather what so cool if even in the mid of his sleep a dude can say whats the Sub of the day.
My own blog now
After great dilemma, I finally decided to have my own blog. This would mostly be dedicated to cross-stitch and maybe some baking, reading. I am yet to make my first post there. The main aim of this blog is to give me some motivation to proceed with my cross-stitch. I started working on a picture of a peacock more than 2 years back and am still working on it :( !!! So, after seeing soooo many other cross stitch blogs where people post their Works-In-Progress, I also decided to do the same. Will give the link once I make my first post.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Blog Should Continue
Secondly, a mojority of the PSC family are not seen or heard from. Whether they are even seeing the blog silently is doubtful and we keep wishing them happy birthday etc. How can we persuade them to come in ? Should Jayaram, as the coordinator, send individual mails to their email addresses ?
I spoke to Venkittu on Kappu's date of birth and learnt that his son Harish is now studying Law and Ram is working in Germany. If Venkittu had been active in the blog we all would have known it much earlier. Otherwise we do not know what our next-generation relatives are doing etc. I think one problem is that we are rather shy people and do not like to beat our own drums. We should shed this feeling and write about the happenings more for the sake of a feeling of belonging and togetherness. I am reminded of Appa's saying "if we do not beat out own drums, who will ? ", though he did not himself follow this dictum.
The month ahead
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I must admit that I have not been contributing to the blog, as much as I have been checking the posts regularly. I hadn't even noticed that the November b'days had not been listed! Why, how? I don't know. Lethargy? Indifference? Or the ubiquitous "no time"?
Actually exciting events are in the offing in our family - Koushik's wedding, Rajiv's engagement.... It'd really be nice if we keep getting updates about the happenings!
I met Rukmini manni at Hindu's NovFest yesterday and she was lamenting the fact that no one from Kunjappa's family will be present at Krishnan's son's wedding.
For some updates from my end, Ramya is in Bombay, busy with her mamiyar in the wedding preparations of her br-in-law Jay. Also she took the reins in her hands and has gone about making lists etc for Rajiv's engagement too.
I am scheduled to reach Bombay on Nov 26. The Nischayatartham is on Sunday, Nov 30 in MIG Club, Bandra. Sandadi saakula, let me also ask for your blessings and wishes. :):)
Rajiv's house is still not ready. We are trying to push the builder from many angles & I am still nursing a fond hope that it will be ready for occupation by the time I reach there. Water and electricity connection are yet to come.
I will be staying on in Bombay till Jay's wedding on Dec 14 & plan to be back here on Dec 16. Then it will be a rush of preparing for the concerts - full tension.
Guess I will be out of net circulation in BOmbay. will post my concert details after I return. And hope to see you all there to cheer me too, hehehehe.
I read this today. This is from a book called The Sociopath Next Door
Sociopaths do not always have a covetous nature, but when they do, a fascinating and frightening picture emerges. Since it is simply not possible to steal and have for oneself the most valuable possessions of another person ie: beauty, intelligence, success,or perhaps a strong character the covetous psychopath settles for besmirching or damaging enviable qualities in others so that they will not have them, either, or at least not be able to enjoy them so much. Here the pleasure lies in taking rather than in having.The covetous sociopath thinks that life has cheated her somehow, has not given her nearly the same bounty as other people, and so she must even the existential score by robbing people, by secretly causing destruction in other lives. She believes she has been slighted by nature, circumstances, and destiny, and that diminishing other people is her only means of being powerful. Retribution, usually against people who have no idea that they have been targeted,is the most important activity in the covetous sociopath's life, her highest priority.Since this clandestine power game is priority number one, all of the covetous sociopath's deceitfulness and tolerance for risk are devoted to it. For the sake of the game, she may devise schemes and perform acts that most of us would consider outrageous and potentially self-destructive, in addition to cruel.And yet when such a person is around us in our lives, even on a daily basis, we are often oblivious to her activities. We do not expect to see a person direct a dangerous, vicious vendetta against someone who in most cases has done nothing to hurt or offend her. We do not expect it, and so we do not see it, even when it happens to someone we know or to us personally. The actions taken by the covetous sociopath are often so outlandish, and so gratuitously mean, that we refuse to believe they were intentional, or even that they happened at all. In this way, her true nature is usually invisible to the group. She can easily hide in plain sight among genuinely intelligent, professional people.When people do not provoke in the sociopath a desire for something they have, or for something they are, then she does not target them. To the contrary, she may be especially charming and courteous when she believes that certain underlings, as she thinks of them, are useful in maintaining her sheep's-clothing disguise, a disguise that includes a presentation of herself as an extraordinarily nice, caring, responsible, and pitiably overworked person. Sound like anyone you know? Beware...
I have been thinking too how to make our blog more interesting. As I have been closely watching a few cross stitch blogs of late, I was able to see what all people write. They post pictures of their family, any disaster, any happiness, basically anything that interests them. Even a new recipe that somebody tried out, and the picture of the outcome.
Monday, November 17, 2008
We have moved to November!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
We are still in October
I have opened the blog several times and I find there are no new posts and "dates to remember" still features October dates ? Is there any problem with the site ?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Congrats Kaushik
Ramesh and myself wish you a Very Happy Life with Aishwarya.
Akila pass on our good wishes to koushik.
Friday, November 7, 2008
The photoes are rather small and even when I clicked on them I did not get an enlargement.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Koushik's engagement
Koushik engaged to wed Aishwarya
Koushik's engagement went off very well with the grace of God. The wedding would be on the 4th dec. I have sent few pictures of the engagement from my yahoo id.
By the way, is the title I gave this topic correct grammatically?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ideas & Tidbits
Birthday/Anniversary Wishes
Wishing all birthday celebrants a very very happy birthday.
Hope everybody had a great diwali. Our started off a bit dull, as Mohan came down with fever on Diwali morning. But ended well, with bursting lot of crackers in the company of our cousins. Vaishnavi also had a great time. Absolutely no fear of crackers.
Friday, October 24, 2008
With Diwali just round the corner (Weekend), wishing everybody a very happy diwali.

Akila, Mohan, Vaishnavi
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Also, we thank Jayaramanna for creating this Blog, giving a good oppartunity for all of us for constant touch with each other.
Many Happy Returns, Jayaramanna.
Ramu Sarada
What an excellent company she was in K Nagar! So many memorable incidences come to my mind and those were excellent days, with VR Kappu akka family in K Nagar.
Ramu Sarada
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It is Kappu's birthday
Ramu Sarada
Best wishes
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy birthday!
Great work, Rajiv!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Links to my jingles
A few of you have asked me abt. the work I've done recently. Am just sending you a few links to the jingles I've sung. You may have caught it on TV but for those who haven't...here you go :)
The last one is the latest one. I've also sung it in the regional languages...so do look out for it.
Cheers !!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wishes wishes wishes
A very very happy (belated again) birthday to Ramakrishna perippa, Chandru athimber, Shekar and Kumar annas. We seek their blessings during this very special occasion.
Congrats Prashant and keep going
Monday, September 29, 2008
We had a get together this evening, thanks to Ravi's initiative. It was a lovely evening with a lot of laughter and cheer - I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.
The only downside was that quite few members of the family could not make it.
I am sure Jayaram chitappa will put up photos soon :)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Best Wishes to Jayashankar
Saradam and I wish you all the best on your taking up a new job and pray to God that you should grow to great heights in your career. Is your new job also Human Resource Development or, are you branching out to other areas ?
It is good that you could find a flat in Besant Nagar and it will be so convenient to you and Jayaram being near each other.
Many happy returns!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Very many happy returns of the day.
Ramu Sarada
Happy birthday!
Vimala and Jayaraman
I was in Kovaipudur the last three days, and enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere, Siddhar's presence and blessings, and importantly - lazing and doing nothing!!!!
And it is now back to run-run, what with Navaratri upon us.
I am going on a ten day tour to China with 8 other friends from Prayas (the L&T wives' group). Will be leaving on 8th and returning on 18th.
And before I close this mail, let me wish in advance:
Friday, September 26, 2008
Our special prayers and wishes to him, for a healthy and happy life in the years to come. Anu also has come to Delhi for the occasion.
For Anu`s birthday, I sent a mail to her and I hope she saw it.
Ramu Sarada
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Back to life!
Happy birthday!
Ramu Sarada
Sunday, September 21, 2008
All the best to you on your new job. Is the posting in Chennai?
New coordinates
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Birthday Wishes
Akila, Mohan, Vaishnavi
Friday, September 19, 2008
Saradam and I wish you a happy Birthday (though late) and many happy, healthy returns as you wish. Ram Mony was occupying this computer for long hours firstly to help me and secondly for his own mail etc plus we have five hours power loadshedding every day. So I am late. You want our blessings and I bless you to enjoy good health and happiness in the coming years.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy birthday, Ramu!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Belated Happy birthday to PGS athimber and Srikanth anna. Am unable to check my yahoo/hotmail and the blog these days as access to all public sites have been strictly restricted in office. And no time during weekdays to check at home. Will do my best to be in touch.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Ramu Sarada
Sunday, September 7, 2008
TSS joins me in wishing all the members of our family celebrating WA's and B'days this month.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Ramu Sarada