Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Birth and rebirth

Ramu's and Ramakrishnan's posts will make us all think about what our role is in this birth.  It is only the rare soul who has some idea of his earlier avatars.  Such people become subjects of study for parapsychologists.  All that we can do is have total faith in dharma and live according to our conscience.  The Gita (as we are learning from Velukkudi Krishnan's talks)  tells us of the different ways by which  one can realise the Supreme Being.  The simplest is karma yoga, provided it is practised without thinking of its fruits.  But religion itself has become a great bone of contention, producing hatred and violence.  How great it would be if all religions would merge into one and every one becomes a citizen of the world! (Ramakrishnan should recall the famous essay on the last phrase, as it was part of his reading in college, if I remember aright.)

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