Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy B'day

A very happy birthday Shruthi. Wow, sweet 16!! Have a great year :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Shruti!

Dear Shruti - happy 16th birthday!

(You are 16, going on 17 etc...)

Lots of love,

Appa, Amma, Prashanth, Jaya Patti, Vimala Patti & J Thatha

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Best wishes

Happy birthday/anniversary to Rajani manni and Sundar anna-Charu manni.

V's tests for the academic year (4th std) begin on the 17th and they last for over a month!! They finish only on 20th August!!! And just a few days from then, probably a week later, the 2nd cycle tests start. Huh!! So, that means that we are bound to our homes for the rest of the year. Not that I am a paatti or something, but these days why do parents have to literally study all over again with the kids? I don't ever remember amma or appa sit with us and help us with studies. Neither did we attend tutions, atleast not till we were in 11th or so. So, how did we all study? What has changed now? And V's only in 4th now. What would happen as she goes to higher classes? SHUDDER

Birthday greetings

Birthday greetings to Rajani and Koushik
Many happy returns!
15 July

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wishes and some fun

A very happy birthday to Aditya and Ramesh anna.

Here's a very funny snippet from the TV series Mind your language, which is being telecast on comedy central now

Absolutely hilarious. Have fun

Birthday greetings

Birthday greetings 
Ramesh (Jayaraman)
Many happy returns!
3 July

Monday, July 1, 2013

Hari anna's 50th Bday

Wishing Hari anna a very happy birthday. We all had a get together to celebrate this occasion at Mahamudra yesterday and had a great time.
Here is a link to the pictures

I am not sure if this link would work, do let me know if it does not. Many of the pictures we clicked by V